Mass Shooting At Sikh Temple In Oak Creek, Wisconsin – Seven Dead

“Mass Shooting At Sikh Temple In Oak Creek, Wisconsin” – and just after The Colorado Shooting at the midnight premier of The Dark Night Rises two weeks ago.

A gunman walked in to a Sikh temple and opened fire with semi-automatic weapons, shot 20, 7 were killed, and the shooter was shot dead. Someone who lives in Oak Creek, Wisconsin said on Twitter:

And from the looks of things, the gunman thought the Indian temple was Muslim, which is no reason to shoot anyone either – stupid is as stupid does, to quote a phrase from Forest Gump.

What’s strange is no one can identify this person as of this writing. What’s strange is that this happened at all. This is awful, and I’m starting to lean to the idea that we need to wipe guns out of existence. Too many people have them, some who have some whacked ideas about life and people.

According to CNN TV, this is being investigated as an act of Domestic Terrorism.

Stay tuned.

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