Funny, I Don’t Feel 50 Years Old! (Zennie62 On Turning 50)

Ok, here’s my late contribution to my own little blog action day. I had a great 50th Birthday Party last night, and on the true day of my birth, August 4th, 1962 at 1:01 AM, CST. Taking the advice of my friend John Russo, who said that I should have a small party of very close friends, rather than a big party with a ton of people, that’s what I did.

What’s cool is to be around people who certainly know me, and can say all kinds of shit about me, and vice-versa, and it’s totally fun. The thing is, I don’t feel 50 and I don’t know what 50 is supposed to look like, and that goes for my friends – I just feel like I need to start running again! But the neat aspect of being at this age, is I know who I am and what I stand for, and why.

I’m not afraid to be me.

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