Oakland News: Kaplan Calls De La Fuente “Serious Challenger”; Joel Young For D3 Council?

The latest Oakland News is that on her campaign website, Oakland At-Large Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan already calls her new challenger, Oakland Councilmember Ignacio De La Fuente, a “serious challenger” and is using him to raise a new round of campaign money.

Again, I think what Ignacio De La Fuente is about to do is a huge risk, but he may be in better shape than I thought. A lot of Oaklanders who are more likely to be politically involved are new, young, and mostly white – and have by my survey never known of either Kaplan or De La Fuente. That does give IDF more room to tell his story his way and have a fresh set of ears believe it – not to be insulting, just honest.

At least he’s in better shape that Joel Young would have been had he put his hat into the ring. But the AC Transit Board Member who tried to run for the California Assembly District 18 seat and was tossed by voters in June after two damaging claims related to violence, may be plotting a comeback.

Two sources claims that Young is at least considering running for the same hotly contested Oakland City Council District Three seat that Sean Sullivan is going after. For Young, I can only hope that’s a dream and not a reality considering what he just had to deal with. But Young does have time – the deadline is August 8th.

Stay tuned.

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