The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 2012; CNN’s Piers Morgan V. Brooke Baldwin

CNN’s all over the The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 2012, and you can tell that Englishman Piers Morgan, selected as the lead host with leggy American Brooke Baldwin (who sounds like she’s developed a bit of a British accent she didn’t have in Atlanta) is just plain proud and happy.

Maybe too much so.

Piers Morgan just got into a bit of a dust-up with the leggy Brooke Baldwin, who rightly pointed out that the British Monarchy has had to modernize, and come into the 21 Century. But Morgan, who’s been acting like he wants to fight anyone who dare make any negative observation on this day, was having none of that, saying “This is a time to celebrate the British Monarchy” and acting like the vigilante protector of all things British, calling for all naysayers to basically be quiet.

OK Piers. We get it.

This is a big deal for England, but it’s also structurally hard for Americans to grasp because this country was established to get away from the British Monarchy and establish a real democracy. So, for Brooke Baldwin to express skepticism with the entire deal is perfectly, relentlessly American.

But I’ve got to admit, these images of what must be millions out there celebrating in the rain, waving their Union Jack flags, is really cool. Take this scene of Britons watching and cheering as the Queen rolls by in what looks like a modified Maybach:

Stay tuned.

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