Google Trends: Bath Salts, Terrell Owens, NBA Draft Lottery, Zombie Apocalypse

What were the hot Google Trends for today, Wednesday, May 30th, 2012? Well, they were interesting: Bath Salts, Terrell Owens, NBA Draft Lottery, and Zombie Apocalypse. And two of the four terms are related.

Bath Salts

Bath Salts are reportedly used in the making of some kind of what is called a ‘synthetic’ drug, and were assumed to have played a role in what has to be one of the most gross and putrid attacks of one man to another in this young century. Rudy Eugene, a 31-year-older described as a “nice” person, was found eating much of the face of 65-year old Ronald Poppo. When Miami Police responded to a call of the reported attack, they called out to Rudy, who was said to have grunted and kept on eating. The cops opened fire and killed Mr. Eugene.

When the news of this cannibal attack spread, the first thought by many was that it reminded them of zombie eating episodes on shows like The Walking Dead. And those observations, in turn, led to blogs and news items referring to, you guessed it, the “Zombie Apocalypse.”

just what is the Zombie Apocalypse?

Well, aside from being Atlanta’s largest horror attraction, The Zombie Apocalypse refers to a string of attacks where people do everything from what Rudy Eugene did to another report of a man stabbing himself and then throwing his intestines at the police in Hackensack, New Jersey. No word of drug use, but the man certainly has to be screwed up in some kind of way. (It’s also a report I learned of after I created the video on this). But overall, I don’t think these episodes are anything more or less than the actions of really screwed up people. A different story from the one about Terrell Owens.

Terrell Owens Fired From Arena Football

To me, this isn’t much of a story, but it caused “Terrell Owens” to rank high as a Google Trend. Jon Frankel, the owner of the Allen Texas Wranglers of the Indoor Football League, elected to fire his star wide receiver in T.O. and throw him under the bus, staying that Owens wasn’t available for an out-of-out playoff game. Well, here’s the kicker, not only did Jon tell the media that Owens didn’t have to show up for out of town games (he said this on January 19th), Jon said it was “up to” Owens to attend them. Now, apparently it’s not.

If I were T.O., I’d have sued Jon Frankel for breach of contract and defamation of character. Regardless of how you feel about Terrell Owens, this was wrong.

NBA Draft Lottery

When I created today’s video, “NBA Draft Lottery” was something like the fifth highest ranked Google Trend term, but “Anthony Davis” was down not to far below in the top 20. Now, Anthony Davis can be matched with his new team – not the expected Charlotte Hornets, but the New Orleans Hornets. Yes, the same New Orleans Hornets that lost Chris Paul to the Los Angeles Clippers after NBA Commissioner David Stern nixed a trade that would have sent him to the LA Lakers, and enriched the Hornets in the process. Now, some believe this outcome sending Davis to New Orleans was engineered by the NBA, and I’ll tell you, as one’s who’s still smarting from the Commissioner’s action, I’m not putting it passed them.

I just know that Charlotte Hornets owner Michael Jordan must be the sickest man in America. He had Davis penciled in as the man in Charlotte.

It was not to be.

Stay tuned.

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