Oakland Mayor Quan, Barbara Parker Let Warriors Plan Move To SF While Owing $95 Mil

Warriors planning move to San Francisco from Oakland.

This is the kind of thing John Russo would have worked to prevent if he were City Attorney: The Golden State Warriors, named such because the City Of Oakland has been too wuss to get the owners to change the name of the team to “Oakland Warriors,” have rolled out a plan to move to San Francisco.

All the Quan Administration could muster was this emailed statement from Monday:

“We are still in direct dialogue with the Warriors about the opportunity to build a new arena. We have always been aware that they are exploring all their options, including a San Francisco site. We continue to believe that Coliseum City offers the best new home to the Warriors, Oakland A’s and Oakland Raiders.”

Yeah, but here’s the deal: the Golden State Warriors, Oakland Warriors, still owe $95 million in bond debt to the Coliseum JPA and the bond underwriters. That’s from the 1998 arena deal that resulted in a new home for the Warriors.

Here’s how much Joe Lacob doesn’t like Oakland: the new arena was built just 14 years ago, and yet the Warriors are planning a move to Oakland.

Instead of negotiating with the Warriors, it’s time to sue the Warriors. But the fact is, Quan forcing John Russo out of Oakland led to this kind of mess, because between Quan and Oakland’s new top lawyer Barbara Parket, who I called before writing this, and who has not returned my calls, we (Oakland) lack the leadership that really can make sure we don’t get to this point. Russo was good at it because it was a top priority for him.

I want to support Barbara Parker in the next election, but if she will Facebook Friend me, and find me on Twitter, but not return my calls and then fails to act on the Warriors, she’s making it tough for me. Gotta be honest. I’m in, but I’m hanging by a thread.

Stay tuned.

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