Kobe Bryant WTF As Lakers Lose To OKC; Rock The Bells; Hope Solo Vogue Cover

Kobe Bryant’s miss of two shots during the awful last two minutes of the NBA Playoffs Western Division Conference Semifinals Game Two. Up seven with those two minutes, Kobe and the Lakers choked to drop the contest 77-75. If Kobe Bryant wants to be considered a great player like Michael Jordan, this is the time he’s going to have to make clutch plays. It’s not enough to say that Oklahoma City won because they took chances – OKC won because Kobe made key errors.

Time to play.

And play at Rock The Bells, the event that has grown to tentpole status in Hip Hop, is what performers like Timbalind are going to do. For more info, visit http://RockTheBells.net

Finally, and more on this, congrats to Hope Solo for making the cover of Vogue Magazine for the first time. Hope’s had an amazing run, from the almost win versus Japan for the 2011 Women’s World Cup, to Dancing With The Stars, and now Vogue, and next The Olympics, Hope Solo’s celebrity status is on the rise, again. According to Google Insight For Search, though, Solo is not let at A-list level.

Hope’s average intensity of search for the last 12 months was 3, and while that’s greater than for her teammate Alex Morgan, who’s a 1, it’s actually higher than for Serena Williams, her Vogue cover mate, who has 2. Madonna is at 13, and Beyonce is at 23.

I’m looking forward to seeing how The Olympics changes this for Hope. Watching a person become famous, and then more famous, is a fun learning experience.

Stay tuned.

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