Twitter For Small Business: Fitting Square Peg In Round Hole

Twitter. I love it, and combined with Tout it’s a powerful tool. But Twitter’s one main issue has been revenue generation. The problem is Twitter’s basic design is not, for all practical purposes, revenue-generation-friendly. I’m not going to explain why that is, just that it is. But give credit to Twitter for trying to fit a square-peg of a problem in the round-hole that is the design that caused the problem. Here’s Twitter For Small Business:

Promoted Twitter tweets takes on a new, focused, effort. I question the bang-for-the-buck a business can get from this, but I’m going to keep monitoring its performance. The reason is I’m not convinced trying to target an audience actually does better than the system that allows your brand to be seen by more people, even those outside the target audience that may generate buzz for the target audience, or become part of that target audience.

Now if the target audience is geographic, different story. That works. Analysis continues.

Stay tuned.

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