Marquis Lee Highlights USC Jacksonville Jaguars 2014 NFL Draft Interview

Marquis Lee Highlights USC Jacksonville Jaguars 2014 NFL Draft Interview

Marquis Lee Highlights
Marqise Lee Highlights USC Jacksonville Jaguars 2014 NFL Draft Interview
Marqise Lee Highlights USC Jacksonville Jaguars NFL Draft Interview 2014
(Zennie62Media coverage sponsored by Courtyard New York Manhattan Central Park)

Q. You had a nice little exchange that was on video ‑‑

MARQISE LEE: We’ve got a great relationship. I love that we’ve been in the same situation, the same organization, getting the job done. Plan to get the job done.

Blake’s a great guy, though. That wasn’t the plan, but it ended up this way.

Q. What do you think about the chance to catch passes from him, which you’re going to be doing a lot of?

LEE: I think it’s great. I got the chance to sit down and really pay attention to Blake and the things he does, and I feel like he’s a great quarterback honestly to tell you the truth, at least one of the top ‑‑ which he went in the top.

I’m eager to get down to wherever we’ve got to get, which is Jacksonville. I don’t know what day that exactly is, but get started.

Q. You’re going to ‑‑ some of the wide receivers that went ahead of you are going to places where they already have an established No. 1, Mike Evans, for instance, Odell Beckham going to play with Victor Cruz. You’re going to a place where they need a No. 1. Just talk about that a little bit.

LEE: Yeah, my goal is simple, as far as, you know, learn the playbook as fast as possible when I get in there, so I can have the opportunity to become that receiver they are looking for. I just — to tell you the truth – if I don’t learn that playbook, I’m going to be struggling, too. So my only thing is just focus on getting the playbook and then going from there.

Q. Do you feel like if you get it mentally, that’s what you need to step up and be a No. 1 there?

LEE: I can honestly say yes.

Q. What happened with Robert ‑‑ have you been in contact with him?

LEE: I talked to Robert throughout the whole process, pretty much every day, honestly to tell you the truth, just to get advice, feedback, things like, you know, how he did in OTAs, if it was a struggle, and if it was, how he overcome it; the things they expect as far as going into Combine and what I have to do in order to be ready to go in there, things like that. I actually got the opportunity to talk to him every day. He helped me a great deal honestly to tell me the truth.

Q. Are you surprised it lasted until the second day?

LEE: I was surprised, I can honestly tell you. But I got the chance to go home yesterday to go to the hotel and just sit down and think about it and talk to my mom about it and one thing we talked about was, a lot of people thought I wasn’t going to be here as far as making it to New York or even playing football.

So at the end of the day, I’m happy to go where I went and have the opportunity to play for a team and a place I can call home. So I’m happy.

Q. Did you go down the list of teams on day two?

LEE: No, not at all. I just ‑‑ I didn’t want nobody to tell me as far as what team likes me or anything. I just wanted to sit back and wait and see where I end up.

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