John Derbyshire Fired For Racist Column Telling Whites And Asians To Avoid Blacks

Well, just a few hours after this blogger declared him the “face of modern racism,” John Derbyshire, earlier today the Contributing Editor For The National Review, has been fired. I feel like breaking in song, singing “The witch is dead! The witch is dead!

Er, wait. I just did.

Here’s my video on John Derbyshire’s racist rant telling Whites and Asians to avoid Blacks, and where I officially branded him “the face of modern racism.” I’m happy the National Review agrees with me.

A Painful Look At What John Derbyshire Wrote, And Why It’s Co Completely Racist

John Derbyshire Is The Face Of Modern Racism
John Derbyshire Is The Face Of Modern Racism
There’s so much that’s wrong with what Derbyshire wrote, it’s hard to know where to start. John packed in almost every racial stereotype I’ve ever had thrown at me in my life, and throws it out in a way that made me throw up.

I’ll begin the destruction with his idea that all “American blacks are descended from West African populations,” which is silly. My background, for example, is Ethopian and West Indian. If you know how to read a globe, you know that Ethopia is on the East Side of Africa, and I’m certainly all-American.

Moreover, I took such an interest in determining exactly where African Americans came from that I established a little research project for myself while I was a grad student at UC Berkeley. There, I found a book, a rather old tome, called Black Names In America. What I learned is something seldom talked about: that a healthy number of blacks came here free, and not all from, drum roll please, West Africa. It was like drinking water for the first time, because I was shocked at the level of racism from all sides that comes into even how blacks came to America. There’s such an obsession with American slavery that the fact that some blacks actually lived in places like Britain, escaped as slaves from there, and then migrated to Spanish Florida as free people in the 1600s.

All that, and more, should be known by John Derbyshire, but he’s obviously too blinded by the mental illness of racism to think to learn the truth.

John goes on to say that such things as “good manners and good citizenship” should be ignored for “considerations of personal safety” – basically whenever he or his kids (who he’s supposedly giving advice to) encounter someone black.

I could go on, but I’ll just get sick again.

At first, I thought his blog post was a massive joke, but a little Internet click-around reveals he’s dead serious. In 2003, in an interview with blogger Kevin Holtsberry, Derbyshire said something that, in 2012, today, came to pass:

I am not very careful about what I say, having grown up in the era before Political Correctness, and never having internalized the necessary restraints. I am a homophobe, though a mild and tolerant one, and a racist, though an even more mild and tolerant one, and those things are going to be illegal pretty soon, the way we are going. Of course, people will still be that way in their hearts, but they will be afraid to admit it, and will be punished if they do admit it. It is already illegal in Britain to express public disapproval of homosexuality–there have been several prosecutions. It will be the same here in 5-10 years, and I shall be out of a job.

Today, Derbyshire’s out of a job.

What John doesn’t get is that blacks don’t want to know of his irrational view of them because we are, well, dark. The idea that blacks and whites in America are of “different cultures” can be easily destroyed, and American Culture quickly affirmed, by asking one what their favorite NFL team is, and what they think of the way the Colts treated Peyton Manning. Yet, there are people in America who cling to that stupid idea. Holding on to it invites the kind of racism Derbyshire lost his job expressing.

For example, Derbyshire points out that no African Americans have won a Field Medal – the prestigious award in the field of Mathematics. But what Derbyshire leaves out is the fact that no women have either, to this writing, and how the field has been rocked by charges of racism and sexism.

What I’ve found is that some who practice racism in that field, also use Math as a kind of way of judging the intellect of others, rather than seeing Math for what it really is: a language for describing quality, order, and distribution over time. Too many math teachers have destroyed the chance that women or minorities can excel in it at a young age, by not trying to teach them, and in many cases feeding those kids the racist stereotypes they have internalized. This has been so common that the whole of American math educators should be taken out and drawn and quartered. Since Derbyshire fancies himself a mathematician, I have a first-position ticket just for him.

The bottom line is that in order to get along in society, one must change with society. Derbyshire has not done this. Instead, and by his own admission, he’s held on to an idea of blacks (and of women it would seem) that’s, for all practical purposes 25 years old.

Now, he’s out of a job, and I’m not sorry to say I’m very happy.

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