Morgan Spurlock Tweets To My “Comic Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope” Blog Post

Morgan Spurlock sent a Twitter tweet reaction to my blog post called “Why Is Comic Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope So White?” I wrote the post in response to the trailer for the movie I saw. In fact, just before I continue, I’m going to look at it again:

And Morgan’s point-well-taken is that I should see the movie before commenting based on what I saw in the trailer. My feeling is that the DNA of the film is generally reflected in its trailer, so I went forward with my point of view, which was pretty strong on, well, not seeing a lot of folks who look like me in it. Morgan asserts that if I see the film itself, I will have a different view.

Spurlock took pains to note that “as a Trekker and a human I would like the film.” Good for Mr. Spurlock to respond, because, as I said this is something I want to be wrong about. Here’s our Twitter exchange:

Morgan Spurlock ‏ @MorganSpurlock
@zennie62 Why don’t you actually WATCH the film before making ridiculous statements that are completely untrue.

Zennie Abraham ‏ @zennie62
@MorganSpurlock Morgan, if you read my blog post, there’s a lot to learn in it that’s far beyond your tweet. I reacted to the trailer. But..

Zennie Abraham ‏ @zennie62
@MorganSpurlock I really want you to READ my blog post and understand. This is not trivial and I wasn’t being flip.

Zennie Abraham ‏ @zennie62
@MorganSpurlock Moreover, I would be very happy to be wrong, but the trailer communicates an experience that caused me to react.

Morgan Spurlock ‏ @MorganSpurlock
@zennie62 Why don’t you actually WATCH the film before making ridiculous statements that are completely untrue.

AtlantaNerd ‏ @NerdAtlanta
@MorganSpurlock I read @zennie62 blog post and saw trailer. He is not being mean

Morgan Spurlock ‏ @MorganSpurlock
@NerdAtlanta @zennie62 it’s not a question of being mean, it’s a question of misrepresenting this movie, what he portrays isn’t accurate

Morgan Spurlock ‏ @MorganSpurlock
@zennie62 and I don’t think you get the diversity that’s represented in this movie

Zennie Abraham ‏ @zennie62
@MorganSpurlock Believe me I look forward to it but I dont think you get where this Trekker is coming from.

Morgan Spurlock ‏ @MorganSpurlock
@zennie62 well trust me, you will love this film, as a trekker and as a human

Zennie Abraham ‏ @zennie62
@MorganSpurlock But you (don’t have to) understand that since 70s, I’ve been in this, from Trek Cons, to my own tech comp. My nerves are raw

Stay tuned.

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