Oakland Mayor Quan Pissed Over April Fools Joke

The blog post called “Mayor Jean Quan Had Affair With Ron Dellums In 2009” and released on April Fools Day Sunday, was widely seen by readers and observers as an April Fools joke, which it was.

Trouble is, a staffer for Jean Quan, the Mayor Of Oakland, wasn’t down with the humor. In a series of emails, the person, who I will not name, said that the April Fools joke was in bad taste. I disagree. But so we can move on to more important issues in a terrible Monday in Oakland, I created this video:

The bottom line is, it’s political satire. As I said, I was looking to make the mother of all April Fools Jokes, and I seemed to have done that. Plus, someone has to explain why the 40,000 condoms are still at Oakland City Hall (as of this writing), and have they been used internally?

Just asking.

And thank God the blog post wasn’t on some overly sensitive news website like SFGate.com.

Does it mean I support the recall of Mayor Quan? No, I do not. While I’ve covered and interviewed the players involved, I’m personally not sold on the idea. I’m also personally convinced my view is meaningless in this. And would I have created the same blog post if the Mayor was male? Yes, I would have.

Moving along…

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