Mayor Jean Quan Had Affair With Ron Dellums In 2009

UPDATE: Mayor Quan Pissed Over April Fools Joke.

Oakland Mayors Jean Quan And Ron Dellums

Fans of Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums believed he was on a good track to recover what some others had said was a failed effort as Mayor of Oakland, and expected him to announce his run to be reelected as far back at late 2009.

But, and while Dellums did hold out almost until mid 2010 to make an official announcement, a report from a City Official source who does not want to be named, asserts with evidence that Quan and Dellums had an affair that started in mid year 2009, and continued until May of 2010.

The details of the affair are rather, well, detailed. The source explains that Quan was the aggressive party, setting up closed-door meetings in his office that often were just one-on-one, but there was a lot more going on because someone recently found an old, used condom in the Mayor’s Office and was resting in a place in the room not previously clearly seen by the current Mayor’s staff.

The source asserts that Quan dropped the news as a kind of shocked “blurting out” of information when the condom was discovered, then quickly said “never mind.” But that admission helped a number of people to “connect the dots.”

For example, in this video made last fall and just a day after the tragic Occupy Oakland protest of October 25th 2011, the late Sanjiv Handa explained that there were something like 40,000 condoms in Oakland City Hall that were still there from Dellums program of giving them out to combat HIV transmission. Seems Dellums was using them for his own transmission prevention purposes, too. Here’s that video:

Observers generally believed that Dellums didn’t like Quan, but the truth was Ron always said to friends he thought she was “cute” and loved how aggressive and ‘in-your-face’ she was – turns out it was because she was literally in his grill at the time.

But Jean never did it just for fun; she had an objective: running for Mayor. “The affair was to get his endorsement, and because Jean believed it would help get the black vote.” Personally, I think that’s a nutty strategy that would have backfired. Ron’s popularity is with older African Americans in Oakland who remember him as a congressman, but their numbers have shrank for various reasons. But, in hindsight, I suppose it wasn’t a bad idea – I mean getting Jean getting Dellumns backing, not the affair itself.

Stay tuned; what a Lirpa Sloof!

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