Geraldo Rivera Blames Hoodie For Treyvon Martin Murder

Was Treyvon Martin killed by George Zimmerman because he was wearing a hoodie?

Geraldo Rivera, forgetting that women too wear hoodies, got on Fox & Friends and said that had 17-year-old Treyvon Martin not worn a hoodie, he may be still alive today. If you’ve not seen his comments, it’s part of my own video commentary here:

Now, as I’ve said above, most of the people I know who wear hoodies are women. I can’t imagine George Zimmerman giving the same agressive chance to a person if they were a female dressed with a hoodie.

No. This, and regardless of what Zimmerman’s lawyer says, is about race. In fact, George Zimmerman’s lawyer actually makes the case that it is about Martin being black, when he said on CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Zimmerman has always helped blacks, or words to that effect.

But consider that George helping someone because they’re black, rather than having best friends or even just friends who are black is a very different thing. It could be said that George was acting out his perceived frustrations with blacks.

Point is, George Zimmerman’s not in the clear here, and I think his lawyer’s making it worse.

As for Geraldo Rivera, I think he should admit that he is only talking about some people in society who would see a person who wears a hoodie as a criminal and not the whole of collage.

Stay tuned.

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