Sir Peter Weyland On Twitter, Expands Prometheus Presence

Sir Peter Weyland
According to sources, Sir Peter Weyland, in reality the so-called fictional founder and CEO of Weyland Industries, is also in reality not happy with the slow growth of his first Twitter account called @SirPeterWeyland, and so elected to operate a new one called simply @SirWeyland and better maintained than the first one, since he’s doing it himself.

Just the thing for the man who found the cure for cancer, and created the atmospheric processor.

The last Twitter tweet from the first account was on February 23rd, and then nothing for an entire month and counting. Now, the new Twitter account features a direct link to the Weyland Industries website, an actively communicating Mr. Weyland, and other goodies to come. Weyland also says that he’s going to be joined by more Weyland Industries representatives in the days to come. All of this to roll out what he calls The Prometheus Project. If you’ve not seen his Ted 2023 talk, here it is:

But there’a much more to the Weyland Industries online presence than just the TED talk. For example, there’s the Weyland Industries Information Page, in the scheme of the Prometheus Project it explains what potential investors should expect for their investment.

In the framework of the Ridley Scott movie Prometheus it helps lay the intellectual ground work for the eventual space mission by the craft of the same name. In the context of today, it presents a very possible blueprint for the large biotech company of the future. One with the logical objective of improving lives, because that work improves Weyland Industries profits.

Weyland Industries is a company larger than most countries. It employs over 837 million people and its company is valued at $218 trillion. It’s stock price is an unheard of $641,884 a share, making its founder Mr. Weyland, and many of its executives, the richest people on Earth.

But is that really possible?

Well, let’s consider Facebook. As I write this, 800 million people use Facebook, and it’s founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg owns 57 percent of the organization. What if something like 30 percent of those 800 million were “Facebook Partners” who earned money off the content they produced on the site? That would make them, in effect and the strictest definition of the term, employees of Facebook. That would give Facebook 240 million employees.

So it’s not far from possible.

Prometheus is to be released June 8th, here’s the latest trailer to date:

Stay tuned.

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