Peyton Manning To Denver Broncos? Colorado Springs Hates Idea

The conventional wisdom is that Denver Broncos fans would be jumping for joy for the prospect of having now former Indianapolis Colts Quarterback Peyton Manning as their new signal caller. Personally I think it’s a great idea, and I’m not even a Broncos fan.

But if you take a look at the poll results as of this writing from the of Colorado Springs (where my friends Tonya Hall and Michelle Morin live) you’d think Manning was almost hated for even thinking of coming to the Broncos. This is what the EDITORIAL BOARD of the news organization wrote:

Peyton Manning, go to Houston, Phoenix or Miami. Just don’t come to Denver. Do not jump into one of the more bizarre quarterback controversies in the history of the NFL. You deserve a welcome reception and will not get one here

And that’s how the op-ed starts off. It ends with a poll of fans. Out of 299 respondents so far, 42 percent say yes, they want him, but 58 percent say no. Why?

Tim Tebow. Some fans think Manning will cause Tebow to leave Denver. I think Manning will be nothing but great for Denver, whereas Tim Tebow has a lot of improving to do and can learn from him.

But what the heck do I care? Peyton Manning with the Broncos would be a major thorn in the side of the Oakland Raiders – more so than Tim Tebow. Let the Colorado Springs folks chase him away.

I just think the Raiders should have gone after him.

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