LutzSec Head, Others, Accuse Cloudflare Of Sharing Private Info

Last in the revelation that the head of the hacker group LutzSec is one Hector Xavier Monsegur, is a Twitter stream on his Twitter page The Real Sabu (@anonymouSabu) that openly points to Cloudflare as doing this:

evilworks ‏ @evilworks69
@anonymouSabu @cloudflare Cloudflare is giving up data left and right, without credentials. AnonOps had a short history with them as well.

This is because, looking deeper, Cloudflare is accused with causing another hacker’s arrest. But that action has cast a negative light on the San Francisco-based cloud cache storage provider. If Cloudflare is indeed just giving up information to anyone without asking for proper credentials from the requester, it could result in serious problems for Cloudflare customers via no fault of their own.

Apparently this info came out of a secret December 14th, 2011 meeting at Europol Headquarters in the The Hague, Netherlands and between LuztSec and Hacktivist groups and the following: Austria, FBI, Portugal, Spain, France, Europol, USA LEG ATT, Belgium, Norway, Finland, UK, Italy, Ireland and Germany.

Stay tuned.

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