California AD District 18 Candidates Forum Tuesday Night, 6:30 PM, Oakland

The first big candidates forum will be held tomorrow, Tuesday night, at the Rockridge Public Library
5366 College (near Rockridge BART) at 6:30 pm (for pizza and networking) and the event itself starts at 7 PM. It pits the three candidates – Rob Bonta, Abel Guillen, Joel Young – against each other and before a public audience.

For obvious reasons, it should be a hoot.

Here are the candidates statements in alphabetical order:

1. Rob Bonta / Alameda City Council

I am running for Assembly because the world’s eighth largest economy is capable of better safeguarding its local schools and keeping more cops and firefighters on the job. In good times or bad, California’s seniors, the disabled and those in need of healthcare deserve basic levels of protections. We can do this while creating jobs and maintaining a solid climate for economic growth. I have the passion and skills to help bring real change to the Capitol. As a husband and father of three children, I know from personal experience how this tough economy can impact a family’s sense of security and safety.

2. Abel Guillen / Peralta Community College Board

First elected to the Peralta Board in 2006, Abel kept his promises by holding Peralta’s management more accountable and its operations more transparent through a series of financial reforms and cost-saving measures. Abel has pushed for effective educational programs to get our community back to work. He helped to secure over $20 million for career education and green jobs, and expanded access by providing classes for 3,000 more students. He created the Easy Pass partnership with AC Transit that saves each student over $1,000 a year, and secured funding to keep the Children’s Center at the College of Alameda open.

3. Joel Young

I’m going to make sure that state agencies are buying goods and services from California businesses. Other Bay area cities are outpacing AD18 in creating green and information technology jobs. We have the potential to attract high tech firms. We have a workforce that is ready to lead the way. What we’re missing is a support network. I saw firsthand what it takes to launch a successful start-up. I worked on the Oakland Green Business Incubator program to help entrepreneurs turn a good idea into a great business. I’ll work with our local elected officials to create a plan to recruit and retain firms.

Stay tuned.

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