Lindsay Lohan Rocks Saturday Night Live

Lindsay Lohan returned to Saturday Night Live after a six-year absence and to a monologue that was one part up-front about her recent drug issues, another part totally hilarious, and the third part a loving welcome back.

What was most heart-warming to this blogger was the ovation the SNL audience, and even staff and band members gave her as she started. They all really wanted to see her do well and that part of the video is worth playing again and again, just to feel the love.

Then Lindsay got started by saying that she thanked SNL for putting its trust in her, then as she steps down, an alarm goes off. After that Kenan Thompson comes out to check her eyes with a light pen. Then Kristen Wiig searches her, but then when Lindsay reacts in protest, Wiig says, “Oh well, I’m Lesbian now,” to which Lohan says “Been there, done that.” Too funny.

But just when you thought SNL couldn’t top that, a woman yells out something from the audience, and then here comes Jimmy Fallon to give his own welcome, and to let Lindsay know that if anything went wrong, Man Men’s John Hamm was on hand to step in and take over the show!

Here’s the video:

Congratulations to Lindsay Lohan, and thanks to SNL for helping her make her much-deserved comeback.

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