Adam Feinberg Openly Admits To Stealing Your Internet Domain Name

The person below is named Adam Feinberg, and he recently purchased with the objective of squatting on it. If you go to Google, all of the results concern my operation called So when I called Adam today (Wednesday, February 29, 2012) at the number below and that I got from a WHOIS lookup…

Adam Feinberg (
Fax: +1.11
15021 Oak Ridge Ct
Dayton, MD 21036

…and when he answered, I introduced myself and said I want my domain name back, he asked me “How much do you want to pay.” I said “nothing.” He said, “I can’t do that.” I told him that what he’s doing is wrong and not legal and that I would pursue legal action, and his response was “I do this all the time. I have a lot of domain names.”

“I do this all the time..”

Adam thinks he can just plain do this and get away with it. He can’t. There’s legislation that blocks him:

Internet domain names serve as valuable assets to businesses or individuals because they allow consumers to identify their presence on the web. 5 Because of the value associated with domain names, cybersquatters often attempt to sell the domain name to the trademark holder or famous person, use the domain name to compete against the trademark holder’s existing business, or perpetuate fraud upon consumers. 6 Cybersquatters typically victimize business entities or famous people because the domain name has monetary value, regardless of whether the cybersquatter attempts to sell the domain name to the business or entity or traffics in consumers on the Internet. 7

In response to the increase in cybersquatting and other cyber crimes, Congress enacted the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) to protect trademark holders and both famous and non-famous individuals. 8 Specifically, Congress enacted the ACPA to protect consumers, to promote commerce on the Internet, and to clarify existing trademark law that did not provide for the express protection of Internet domain

I want my name back. What he’s doing is a form of identity theft. Zennie62Media is associated with one person: me. There’s no other Zennie62 out there.

Stay tuned.

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