Viddler’s Dishonest Way Of Getting Existing Users To Upgrade

Viddler, the YouTube-style video sharing platform, has undergone a major change. The once totally free service now has paid levels of video hosting. The problem is Viddler’s not only not grandfathering its long-standing users, it’s using a very dishonest way to tell them to upgrade or else face removal of their channel.

How do I know? Because I’ve been a Viddler user, but I’d not uploaded a video there in two years or so. But that didn’t stop Matt Williams of Viddler from sending me a “Violation Of Terms Of Service” email totally out of the blue. This is what he sent:

Hello from Viddler

My name is Matt and I was recently made aware of a violation of our Terms of Use on your Personal Account. We encourage our customers to use the Viddler accounts to the fullest but within the Terms of Use. To continue using Viddler as they are we do require that they use a Business or Professional Account for promotion, selling and etc. Please continue using Viddler with a Business or Professional Account, and understand you will gain access to more features designed to help your business grow!

You will be able to upgrade your account by visiting You > Upgrade when logged into Viddler.

We are glad that you are a Viddler user, and we would like you to be aware of our Terms of Use. I would like to discuss you opening a Professional or Business Account if you have any questions.

If you do not reply to this email within 10 days, we will be forced to delete your account and videos. Please let me know the best way to get in touch with you to discuss.

To keep up-to-date with everything going on at Viddler and all future Webex’s please visit and subscribe to The Viddler Blog.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Matt Williams
Video Solutions Specialist

Now the letter was completely out of left field and implies that I have uploaded videos recently and after their obviously new policy, when I had not done so. This is what I wrote in response:


This is WRONG. The videos were up BEFORE this policy, thus, it’s dishonest for you to write “You cannot exceed these limits without a Viddler Business Contract,” as if I placed the videos up after the policy – which I wasn’t even aware of to start with. As I wrote, I’ve not uploaded to Viddler in almost two years.

So what you should be HONESTLY saying is “We’re changing our system, and need help from you. Can you please upgrade to Pro because you have a lot more videos that our new system can handle.”

Can’t believe Viddler’s taking this path. Really bad.


Why Viddler’s taking this approach is a question I’m asking; let’s see what kind of response I get.

Stay tuned.

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