Gary Carter Passes At 57: Baseball Great Falls To Cancer

Gary Carter
Wow. 55, 50, 48, and 57. All of those numbers belong to friends and famous people this blogger knows who’ve died this year, and all before they reached the age of 60. The latest is someone I did not know: Gary Carter, who lost a battle with brain cancer this week.

Rick Cohen, friend and producer of the movie Season of a Lifetime described Carter as a “class act.” In fact, that take on Carter is widely repeated when people stop to remember him.

The Hall of Famer and legend of The New York Mets is most remembered for his role in what’s described as one of the most amazing comeback’s in World Series history against the Red Sox in 1986.

Friends, players, and media types all talk about Carter’s easy-going nature and how “He never let anything bother him” as long-time sports personality Len Berman observed.

Gary Carter proved it’s not just how well you play the game, but how you treat others while you’re playing the game.

Stay tuned.

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