Rick Santorum Protestors Get Tasered In Washington

GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum arrived in Tacoma, Washington to give a speech as part of his campaign run when he was “greeted” by protestors associated with the Occupy Movement. Santorum called the hundreds of people gathered to hear him “the real Washington,” even as he came out to talk against the Washington legislation to legalize same-sex marriage.

Protestors representing the Occupy Wall Street Movement arrived to protest his speech, and were greeted with people trying to fight them, and then Tacoma police tasering them. It was a weird scene, with Santorum presiding over the mayhem like he was Nero in Ancient Rome.

It was a rather ugly scene, and underscores Santorum’s rather cold view of people: ‘do it my way or you get tazed.’ Or: ‘Live life my way or forget being a legal American.’

That’s the message Rick sends to people.

Someone asked for my take on Santorum with respect to his challengers, especially Mitt Romney. Here it is:

As I stated, the real bottom line is likability, and none of the GOP candidates have that over President Obama.

Stay tuned.

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