TechCrunch “The Crunchies” Tonight

That kind of wacky, always entertaining and informative tech show by the blog TechCrunch is this evening, and this blogger’s attending. This time it’s held at Davies Symphony Hall, which provides a larger backdrop for a show that deserves one.

This is also the first Crunchies without TechCrunch staffers Paul Carr, Sarah Lacy, and founder Michael Arrington. Will Arrington stay away from the event he created, this the first after his ouster from the blog he developed? Possibly.

Michael’s involved in helping Sarah grow her new blog Pando Daily, which has its first event February 9th.

And I have to admit, it’s for that reason I had mixed emotions about attending The Crunchies 2012, but at the end of my thinking, I realized that it’s better to go because I had no beef with anyone involved in the internal fracas. It’s just sad that it happened. Moreover, the event’s grown beyond any one person it seems – that’s a complement to Arrington in a way.

Follow the TechCrunch show The Crunchies here on Tout:

Stay tuned.

While there’s no Michael or Sarah, or Carr, The Crunchies will have Jack Dorsey, Kevin Rose, Marissa Mayer, Kevin Systrom, Reid Hoffman, Ron Conway presenting awards, with Harris Wittels, the writer of r NBC’s Parks and Recreation, and now of @HumbleBrag on Twitter hosting the whole deal.

If you want to follow The Crunchies, check out my Tout stream here:

Stay tuned.

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