SOPA Bill is Censorship – Fight For The Future Video

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

Fight For The Future is a non-profit that launched its anti-SOPA efforts in December. And while it’s still forming – it seeks a campaign manager as of this writing – it’s marched ahead full steam with its effort to inform the public of the dangers of the bill called Stop Online Piracy, or SOPA.

To that end, Fight For The Future not only created the video above, but also a website called SOPA as the home of its online efforts: a petition you should sign, if you have not done so.

For this blogger, SOPA’s bad not just for the reasons stated in the video – allowing government and corporations to take down entire websites in the name of copyright infringement – but because SOPA would open the floodgates to thousands of fraudulent claims that are really scam efforts at making money, or someone just plain being mischievous because they can be under SOPA.

The SOPA Bill was designed by people who don’t understand the Internet, so they seek to control others on it. People who understand the Internet must rise up to stop this proposed law.

Sign the petition and get involved.

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