Verizon’s “Borderless Life” at CES 2012

Verizon has a front-row seat for press coverage. The setup is in the CES Press Room, and where this blogger met a number of representatives of the communications firm (and watched the Steelers v. Broncos NFL Wildcard Playoff Game too). Verizon is showing its amazing home, work, life applications. You can control home operations from any Internet-connected device, anywhere. I was given an initial demo off camera that was incredible. Verizons treats this as an application that ads value to their service. Stay tuned for more on this.

(Oh, how this blog post was made is as interesting as what Verizon has to offer. It started with a photo I took using my iPhone’s Flickr app. I then transferred that picture from Flickr to this blog, with text. Then I sent out a Twitter Tweet, and a Facebook tag. In all, the single item of content is now on four social media platforms.)

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