Sears Oakland Downtown Store To Remain Open In 2012 And Beyond

Sears, facing a drop in sales, announced last December it was planning to close 100 to 120 stores. The local media assumed Oakland, Ca would be one of them, and so danced over Oakland’s grave. They were wrong.

On Friday, and while at the Sears Oakland Eye Center, this blogger learned that Sears would remain open from workers there and that the closings were unfortunately concentrated in the South. But that aside, the idea that Sears would close its only major store in the middle of the San Francisco Bay Area, and right off a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) line seemed almost silly to consider. But that some media organizations did, and then failed to follow up with the good news, is terrible and shows to what degree Oakland continues to be hampered by media bias against it.

Stay tuned.

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