Gene Britlik Oakland Running Festival Creator, Quits After 8 Years –

Gene Britlik Oakland Running Festival Creator, Quits After 8 Years

Gene Britlik Oakland Running Festival Creator, Quits After 8 Years

I first interviewed Gene Britlik February 4th, 2010 at the Columns at Lake Merritt, and to talk about his then new event creation, The Oakland Marathon and Oakland Running Festival. Gene relocated to Oakland from Baltimore and had the idea for a running event for our city. It took him just three months of calls and meetings to get the City of Oakland to officially bless his idea. From the start, it was a hit, with over 10,000 runners the first time out. Since then, the Oakland Running Festival has become one of Oakland’s premier events, and it’s a great way for those new to the Town to get to know it.

Sadly, Oakland Running Festival’s creator Gene Britlik quit working for Corrigan Sports, the owner of the event, and took a job with Robert Halk as event planner. Reached via Linkedin, I asked him what happened. Gene simply replied that it was “time to move on.”

Sad news for Oakland.

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