President Trump Right To Ask NATO To Pay Fair Share For Defense – Obama Did –

President Trump Right To Ask NATO To Pay Fair Share For Defense – Obama Did

President Trump Right To Ask NATO To Pay Fair Share For Defense – Obama Did

President Trump called for NATO nations to pay their “fair share” toward defense activities conducted in carrying out the objecrtive of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Some in the manstream media blasted Trump for his so-called “brazen” request, and made fun of how he did it. They tried to paint a picture of a more diplomatic President Obama. While, I’m a fan of President Obama, I’m also a fan of the truth, and the fact is that both Obama and Trump delivered a consistent message.

On November 15th 2016, President Obama delivered the same message to a gathering of representatives of NATO nations, praising Greece for committing two percent of its GDP for national defense and a portion toward the alliance. President Obama also insured the group that President Trump would work to maintain solid relationship with our friends in NATO. President Obama has also called for NATO nations to pay their fair share more than once.

President Trump should be praised for continuing President Obama’s message. We are all Americans.

Stay tuned.

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