President Obama To Make Statement Live At 9:30 PST / 12:30 EST

According to an email from The White House, President Obama is set to “make a statement” at 12:30 EST, which is 9:30 PST in California. On what, this blogger does not know, but here’s the live stream video area.

Update: Obama announced the extension of the Payroll Tax cut for two months.

In other Obama news, the President named Nancy J. Powell as Ambassador to India. Here’s her background, courtesy of The White House:

Ambassador Nancy J. Powell, Nominee for Ambassador to India, Department of State
Ambassador Nancy J. Powell, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, currently serves as Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State. She was conferred the personal rank of Career Ambassador in January 2011. Prior to her current assignment, Ambassador Powell served as Ambassador to Nepal (2007-2009), Ambassador to Pakistan (2002-2004), Ambassador to Ghana (2001-2002), and Ambassador to Uganda (1997-1999). Previous overseas assignments included service in Ottawa, Kathmandu, Islamabad, Lome, Calcutta, New Delhi, and Dhaka. Her Washington assignments have included: Refugee Assistance Officer, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Acting Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Activities, and the National Intelligence Officer for South Asia at the National Intelligence Council. Ambassador Powell joined the Foreign Service in 1977 following six years as a high school social studies teacher in Dayton, Iowa. She received a B.A. from the University of Northern Iowa.

Stay tuned.

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