Barry Bonds Sentenced To House Arrest For Federal Conviction

Barry Bonds
Barry Bonds, the Former San Francisco Giants Slugger, got off easy in today’s sentence for Federal Conviction of obstruction of justice. Bonds was sentenced to 30 days of house arrest, and 2 years probation. Barry has to do 250 hours of community service, and a drop-in-the-bucket $4,000 fine for obstruction of justice.

This started because the Federal Government Grand Jury was investigating the distribution of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs to professional athletes by BALCO: Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative in Burlingame, Ca.

And so ends a long multi-million-dallar, total waste-of-time and taxpayer dollars effort to put Barry Bonds in the slammer for allegations that he knowingly took steroids.

And Bonds never admitted to using steroids.

Stay tuned.

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