Lindsey Vonn, Maybe Not Tim Tebow Dating, But Robby Tebow?

The Lindsey Vonn Date With 16-year Old Parker MacDonald

Robby Tebow and Lindsey Vonn
There’s an old saying about male / female friendships: the guy is always the emergency dick as in “in case of emergency, break glass.” Regardless of what Olympic Super Star Lindsey Vonn says, it looks for all the World like she’s dating one of the Tebows. Not Tim Tebow, but Robby Tebow, and while she’s Twitter tweeted that she’s not with Tim Tebow, it looks more like she’s closer to Robby, his brother than Tim himself.

@lindseyvonn lindsey vonn
Hearing a lot of crazy rumors but rest assured I am NOT dating Tim Tebow (or anyone else). I’m just friends with his family. xo, LV

Tim Tebow has not mentioned Vonn – not even a re-tweet on Twitter. And what if Tim Tebow suddenly brought another woman into the family luxury box? What would Lindsey’s reaction be? Given that she’s got this photo with Tim’s brother, maybe she wouldn’t care.

It was Robby Tebow who met Lindsey Vonn while they were at the ESPY’s. He later told The Denver Post:

This is my first ski race. It was awesome. I told her I’m her good luck charm, because this is the first time she’s won in America. It was fun, it was a lot of fun, the crowd was awesome, they’re very supportive since Lindsey’s the hometown girl. It was pretty cool.

Wait. Robby Tebow said he’s her good luck charm? Wow.

@RobbyTebow Robby Tebow
Congrats to my friend @lindseyvonn for her win at today’s World Cup event!

In fact, if you look at all of the information, it’s clear Robby Tebow’s used his connection with his brother to move in for the score on Lindsey Vonn. Robby meets her at the ESPYs when she with her husband Thomas Vonn, starts showing up at her ski events, and then Vonn comes to the family box where Robby’s watching the Broncos v. Chicago Bears game with his family.

Why, with all of this, is Tim Tebow the media focus? Because media tends to want to “mate” male and female celebrties just because they’re celebs and know each other – the urge to do this causes many to ignore the obvious: Robby Tebow’s dating Lindsey Vonn, or trying to. Even if they’re just friends, is it friends with benefits? He’s definitely in her inner circle.

Whatever the case, there’s something to Thomas Vonn’s comment that the divorce is a “sad, sad situation.”

Stay tuned.

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