Tonight, Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan Hosts Forum to Help Expunge, Reduce Marijuana-Related Offenses

OAKLAND, CA – Tonight, Councilmember Kaplan will be hosting a community forum aimed at educating the public about how to expunge/reduce a marijuana criminal record under Prop 64. The forum, which is co-sponsored by Oakland City Council President Larry Reid and Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley, will include a panel discussion, question and answer, and provide the opportunity for community members to network with local attorneys.

In 2016, California voters passed Proposition 64, the “California Marijuana Legalization Initiative”, which legalized recreational marijuana under state law for persons aged 21 years and older. Prop 64 also includes provisions allowing for the reduction or elimination (expungement) of prior marijuana conviction criminal records. Kaplan says: “Prop 64 recognizes that it makes no sense to penalize individuals and communities for engaging in conduct that is widely accepted, permitted and regulated by the City of Oakland, and which Californians have made clear that we no longer consider a crime.”

Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan urges the public to spread information about the forum and its significance

“Historically, the ‘war on marijuana’ has disproportionately targeted people of color, especially African Americans.” says Kaplan. “Prop 64 helps end the ongoing damage caused by the war on marijuana by letting people with prior records to get them cleared. This is a great thing, and this forum provides us the opportunity to spread the word.”

Click here to register for the Prop 64 Forum

Date: Tonight, April 12th
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Location: East Oakland Senior Center, 9255 Edes Avenue, Oakland CA

Click here to register for the Prop 64

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