United Airlines Policy, Employees Not Reflected In Louisville Passenger Incident –

United Airlines Policy, Employees Not Reflected In Louisville Passenger Incident

United Airlines Policy, Employees Not Reflected In Louisville Passenger Incident

As one who has flown exclusively on United Airlines since the age of 6 years old, I am responding to the horrible incident that happened aboard the Chicago – Louisville flight. I was not asked to make this statement by anyone working for or connected with United Airlines. But, as one who has benefited from the privilege of flying United Airlines, and who’s life has been shaped by that, I can assure you that the actions of a one person or a few at Louisville who represent United Airlines, were not reflective of United Airlines policy or standard actions.

I have been on many United flights where volunteers were asked to give up seats due to overbooking and offered money and hotel accomodations. None took the offer, no agent called law enforcement, and the flight went on without a hitch.

The Louisville incident does not reflect the great United Airlines employees like my friend Kevin Brooks at Atlanta. Mr. Brooks gives passengers a greeting when they arrive, and shakes each hand as they deplane. Mr. Brooks is the real United Airlines.

In closing, United Airlines will deal with the Louisville people in a way that is equal and appropriate to the level of this horrible situation. But I can assure you, it does not at all reflect United Airlines. United is the World’s Greatest Airline – but we can’t be that without you. Give us a chance. We will be back, better than ever.

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