Newt Gingrich’s Sister, Candace Gingrich-Jones, Backs Obama For 2012 Election

Candace Gingrich-Jones The Guardian UK is reporting that “Newt Gingrich’s gay sister backs Obama for 2012,” but they miss the point. Just because Newt Gingrich’s sister’s gay doesn’t mean she automatically has to publicly go against her brother before the election. It means she dislikes him personally enough to do that – that speaks volumes.

Candace Gingrich-Jones is a gay rights activist who told MSNBC “He is definitely on the wrong side of history when it comes to those issues” She said she would “work really, really hard to make sure that President Obama is re-elected next year no matter who the Republican candidate is.”

Well, score another early nail in the cofin of Newt’s chances for President.

Stay tuned.

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