YouTube Analytics Much Better Than YouTube Insight

There are an estimated 20,000 YouTube Partners, or people who make some level of money from the production, uploading, and distribution of their own original content videos. Zennie62 is one of YouTube’s first partner channels during the first year it was established, and that’s going all the way back to April of 2008, when the application was approved.

YouTube has always taken great pains to inform its partners of information on videos, and monetary performance. But the effort has grown and changed with 1) the number of partners, and 2) the number and kinds of inquiries. Partners have consistently asked for more better ways to determine how their videos are performing from a revenue-generation perspective. And YouTube, which constantly states that it wants partners to be able to quit their day jobs and make videos, has proved that it’s only too happy to make those better approaches.

A major development was something called YouTube Insight. This new set of web pages and functions gives detailed information on video performance via static graphs and charts. Still, the combination of various categories of information collected, combined with the ability to download that data in the form of PDF reports, has really helped transform the online video industry into one that can be described as a cottage industry, where one person can run an effective business producing enough income to not just pay living expenses but at time other people as contractors.

This development is not talked about enough, but I digress.

The YouTube Partner Insight system just got a major upgrade into an Ajax-based presentation called YouTube Analytics. This adds a push-button ease of data-manipulation and more expansive information presentation to the already effective large base of data presented by the YouTube Insight system. The greatest improvement is that I can see exactly how much money each of my videos has made, and all of the specific traffic counts for all of my videos I have ever made. It’s the perfect too for refining your videos channel’s revenue production.

But you have to be a YouTube Partner to use it.

Stay tuned.

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