Herman Cain: The End is Here

The other day I wrote a blog post entitled “Herman Cain: The End Is Near,” and look at this. Today during a meeting I was at for Ron Paul 2012 I was told that Herman Cain is out of the presidential race.

CNN reports:

“While he will still be able to raise and spend campaign funds because he did not officially drop out, Cain’s White House bid is effectively over.”

Basically the alleged mistress brought his campaign down and damaged his credibility. He and his wife look like they are just fine, he said he is at peace with God as well as his wife. Let me just say if my husband was going around giving women money without telling me and then one of the women came out and said she was having an affair with him I might just believe it a little bit, but whatever.

But Cain isn’t going away completely:

“”I am not going to be silenced and I will not go away,” Cain said, announcing what he called his Plan B: A website, TheCainSolutions.com, through which he will continue to advocate for his platform.”

CNN also includes reactions from other candidates:

“”Herman Cain provided an important voice to this process,” Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann said in a statement. “His ideas and energy generated tremendous enthusiasm for the conservative movement at a time it was so desperately needed to restore confidence in our country.”

Fellow Georgian Newt Gingrich said the “9-9-9” plan “got our country talking about the critical issue of how to reform our tax code and he elevated the dialogue of the Republican presidential primary in the process.”

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he knew the Cains made a “difficult decision. He helped invigorate conservative voters and our nation with a discussion of major tax reform. Anita and I wish him and his entire family all the best.”

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman said Cain brought “a unique and valuable voice to the debate over how to reform our country’s uncompetitive tax code and turn around the economy. I understand his decision and wish him and his family the best.””

It is said that Cain supporters are probably going to go to Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich.

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