Herman Cain To Occupy Wall Street

UPDATE: Herman Cain Drops Out Of The Race

Herman Cain Gives Thumbs Up To Occupy Wall Street
Herman Cain. Certain COP operatives want him out of the GOP Presidential Race, and much of the media wants him out of the GOP Presidential Race. And all are bracing themselves for what they want, which is for Mr. Cain to leave the race after a tidal wave of accusation of sexual harassment and an alleged extra-marital affair. The fact is Herman Cain’s not going to drop out of the race, and anyone with 20-20 vision can see that.

Herman Cain’s going to announce that he has a new headquarters, and he’s going to trot out his wife, and he’s going to say his plan is to Occupy Wall Street.

To that, the Republican Party will go Jean Quan pn him, bring out the police, and try to evict him. That won’t happen today, but it will occur in some way. Then, Herman will come back and keep occupying voters almost until the bitter end of the GOP Primary.

The take-away? The media should stop trying to fix a political outcome. The fact is a lot of money has been spent in trying to bring out a side of Herman Cain that, while terrible, also consists of some rather questionable characters that beg for investigation. Just because the subject is sexual harassment doesn’t mean that the people bringing the claims can’t be questioned, yet the media hasn’t done that. Someone out there does want Cain out of the race, and they’ve paid handsomely to make it happen. Trouble is, it’s not happening.

Watch and see.

But one aspect of this entire awful time in the Herman Cain campaign that has been revealed is how nasty Cain and his supporters can be to the accusers. Regardless of how one feels about Ginny Price, calling her a “looser” as the Cain campaign had done on its website, it really beyond the pale. It makes a blogger want to root for her to have more crap to bring out about Cain, just to fight back and show she’s not the looser they say she is. What a horrible thing to do!

Still, with that, this blogger wants Cain to stay in and gum up the GOP and remind us all why Barack Obama’s a great president.

Stay tuned.

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