Godzilla 2014 3D Conversion Video Has Epic, Breathtaking Scenes

Godzilla 2014

If you can’t wait to see Godzilla 2014, like me, and have become a raging junky consuming video content, and trailer after trailer, after fan-made mash-up, you’ve come to the right place. This video below was made to discuss the argument for using 3D conversion rather than native 3D, and indeed, it was with that subject as backdrop that I met Godzilla Producer Brian Rogers at the 3D Entertainment Summit in 2010, here (when the plan was for Godzilla 2012):

Brian was there to learn and to apply what he learned to Godzilla, which he said was going to be in 3D.

At that time of the Variety 3D Entertainment Summit event where I met Brian, 3D conversion was taking a massive beating because of one movie: Clash Of The Titans. That form of 3D conversion had such a poor result, it was the butt of many jokes, even it’s makers were in on the fun at the time, and at the same Variety 3D Entertainment Summit, Dreamworks boss Jeff Katenberg gave a whole speech blasting the kind of 2D to 3D conversion now used in Godzilla 2014.

Here’s Jeff’s speech, then, in defense of native 3D:

Now, here’s the result for Godzilla 2014, as captured in this video about how well the new 3D conversion tech has made that form of 3D better than it was in the past.

I want to talk to Jeff and learn what he thinks now.

Stay tuned.

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