Scott Olsen Out Of Hospital: Interview At Occupy Oakland

Scott Olsen’s been through a lot. He started with OccupySF, but then became attracted to Occupy Oakland. The day he came back to Occupy Oakland was the day that changed his life.

The Iraq War Veteran (2006 – 2008) and Occupy Oakland Protestor had his life almost put to an end when he was struck in the eye by a rubber bullet fired by law enforcement under the control of The City of Oakland on Tuesday night, October 25th.

And to make matters worse, Olsen was hit by a tear gas smoke bomb, along with a group of people trying to help him, after he was shot that night.

The result left him in the hospital, and for a time in critical condition. Now, he’s obviously damaged, yet has made considerable and remarkable progress in his speech.

Of the police, Olsen says he’s waiting to see what they say about themselves (and their own morals).

Stay tuned.

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