Urban Meyer Is Ohio State’s New Head Coach

Urban Meyer’s introduced as Ohio State’s new head coach.

Urban Meyer
Urban Meyer’s apparently gotten over the idea that his heart is too weak to lead a football team because as of this writing he’s the new head coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Regardless of whatever issues about his ticker remain, there’s no doubt but that Urban Meyer is the tonic for Ohio State players, students, and alumni to date.

The overall deal is six years for $4 million guaranteed money – in other words, Meyer gets that total of $24 million just for breathing the air in Ohio. Fine. But what about his health?

At the press conference, Meyer said his ticker was fine, and that he was “ready to go.” But will that be the same two years from now, when he’s settled in and dealing with all of the normal run of things coaches have to handle?

Ohio State is where Urban Meyer started his football coaching career, and now he’s come back home. But for how long can his health stand up to the pressures he’s dealing with.

Remember this from CBS Sports: “It is known that Meyer has an arachnoid cyst on his brain.”

That cyst was said to be benign, but becomes inflamed whenever stress sets in. And here come all the stress he can handle at Ohio State, because the people there will have the same big expectations he had at Florida.

Why? Because Urban Meyer’s the circus come to town – the man who Buckeyes think will bring national championships to them, but this time clean ones.

Can Urban stand the heat? Time will tell.

Stay tuned.

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