Occupu LA – Some Arrests But Camp Still Standing

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The video above shows, as of this writing, a kind of press conference featuring Occupy LA participants. The expected eviction action didn’t exactly happen last night, because as of this writing, much of the encampment is still there.

This video below shows the ‘Occupy LA Eviction Party’ that grew as a result of LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s order to leave the encampment.

As you can see, it was one hell of a party, and nothing unlike – thankfully – the violence much of the media has come to expect from these evictions.

And because of the lack of blood, the event failed to draw much coverage from the bloodthirsty mainstream media. Only four people were arrested at Occupy LA as of this writing. and after police moved in five hours after the 12 midnight deadline.

This was vastly different than the violent Occupy Oakland evictions that set the tone for the movement, even beyond the first New York police actions against Occupy Wall Street. In Los Angeles, the protestors are claiming victory.

But from a big picture standpoint, where does all of this leave the movement? It seems the Mayors in the cities that have ignited Occupy eviction actions would prefer that the Occupy Movement become more like the Tea Party, but that’s not happening. Plus, with all of these evictions, and little political action, it’s hard to tell if the movement is losing it’s impact and just becoming a giant public nuisance, or is about to grow in power in a way we didn’t anticipate.

Stay tuned.

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