President Obama, Daniel Craig, Steve Carell Call For End To Sexual Assault

President Obama
President Obama, Daniel Craig, Steve Carell, Vice Presient Joe Biden, and other celeb released that PSA calling for an end to sexual violence one week ago. To date, the YouTube video has been seen over 1.2 million times.

The White House message:

Vice President Biden launched a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) encouraging men to speak up and step in if they see someone in danger of being sexually assaulted. The PSA is being launched in coordination with the 1 is 2 Many campaign and the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. Because while anyone can be a victim of sexual assault, some are more at risk than others: 1 in 5 women is sexually assaulted while in college, and young women, ages 16 to 24, experience the highest rates of sexual violence at the hands of someone they know. The PSA, produced by the White House, features several film and television actors, President Obama, and Vice President Biden. It encourages men to be part of the solution by delivering a simple message: “If she doesn’t consent – or can’t consent — it’s a crime . . . and if you see sexual assault happening, help her — don’t blame her —and speak up.”

There also has to be an honest discussion about the need to for underaged women to stop drinking. Period. Too often, the reports that hit the Internet trend cycle involve cocktails, followed by reports of the woman, underaged, allegedly consenting, then saying she did not after sobering up. Then, in these cases, the DA can’t make a rape charge stick. The bolder approach must to tell young women to avoid drinking. That message has not been delivered.

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