Conrad Murray Guilty Of Involuntary Manslaughter In Michael Jackson Death

Ok, you know you saw this – Conrad Murray Guilty Of Involuntary Manslaughter In Michael Jackson Death – coming. As this blogger stated, Mr. Murray got too caught up in the celebrity of working for Michael Jackson, and forgot that he’s responsible not for maintaining him as a machine, but for keeping him healthy and alive.

Still, and in hindsight, it’s hard to escape the idea that someone’s being left out of this picture. That would be Michael Jackson’s other doc, Arnie Klein. I can’t understand why he’s not at all implicated in this affair.

This is another lesson in why high profile people, but especially black men, need to be almost paranoid about their image and make sure they can defend their actions. I guess Conrad Murray was too busy collecting $150,000 monthly checks to get that memo.

His sentencing hearing is November 29th.

Stay tuned.

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