Halloween Saturday Night In SF Crowded Good Time

For some reason undoubtedly due to a nutty travel schedule, Halloween just plain caught this blogger by surprise. Now, the real date’s Monday, but the original plan was to dress up as a Sith Lord, complete with cape, and go out.

Not happening. I just didn’t plan for it.

Instead, eager to see both the Cal vs. UCLA and Stanford vs. USC games, the objective was a visit to The Bus Stop. No, not a place where you catch a bus, but the old and glorious sports bar on 1901 Union Street in Cow Hollow. A place I’ve frequented for so long, I’m a regular.

My bar seat was a perfect perch from which to watch the games, and to have my head dusted by a french maid.


Well, see, there was this woman dressed as a french maid who came over to the bar to buy a drink, saw my bald, brown head, and apparently thought it needed dusting. At the time, I was turned in the opposite direction, then felt this …feather. On. My. Head.

I wasn’t complaining.

And then her friend decided to show me her costume, right from that Chiquita Banana commercial.

So, from that, it was clear Halloween in San Francisco was in full swing.

There were a lot of women dressed as either nurses, like Kate in the photo with me, maids, red devils, and various styles of Red Riding Hood.

Moreover, the bars were packed and taxis were busy. But, as one cabbie told me later, it’s no indication that the economy has turned around. “It’s like this every year. It’s Halloween weekend.”

Maybe, but numbers don’t lie; I saw a lot more than the usual number of people out for Halloween. Also, a number of Bay Area friends who were unemployed, aren’t any more. They’ve got jobs with Internet companies.

Plus, the economy grew at 2.5 percent last quarter. In fact, we’ve not been in a true recession since the first quarter of 2009, just before the Economic Stimulus Package took hold on America’s economy.

Things are getting better.

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