Michael Moore On Way To Occupy Oakland Rally Today

Famed activist and documentary filmmaker Michael Moore issued this Twitter tweet just 33 minutes ago, as of this writing:

@MMFlint Michael Moore
Leaving NYC, on my way to #OccupyOakland. Will stand with everyone there, mid-afternoon. #OWS
33 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® Favorite Retweet Reply

Judging by the timing of the tweet, that he was leaving from New York City, and the three hour time difference, that should have his plane touching wheels at 2:30 PM PST most likely in San Francisco, not Oakland, then driving over to Downtown Oakland.

So, factoring in traffic and hoopla, Michael Moore should appear at Oakland City Hall Plaza at around 3:30 PM, PDT, today. Once there, Moore says he will stand in support of the Occupy Oakland Movement (which cries for a hashtag of #OOM).

Here’s Moore talking about why people who have money should support Occupy Wall Street / Occupy Oakland:

Stay tuned.

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