Pete Seeger Sings At Occupy Wall St., Cornell West Gets Arrested

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Two activist legends, Folk Singer Pete Seeger and University of Professor Cornell West made headlines for being involved in protests that are related to Occupy Wall Street.

First, the 92-year-old Seeger, best known for his 1950s hits walked with ’60s folk singer Arlo Guthrie and about 1,000 Occupy Wall St protestors Friday night on Broadway, starting at Symphony Space and marching to “occupy” Columbus Circle:

Meanwhile Cornell West got arrest again, and for the second time in 10 days. This time to bring attention to a terrible NYPD policy carried out in Harlem and called “Stop-and-Frisk.”

The New York Times Reports:

The practice of stop-and-frisk, in which the police stop people on the street and sometimes frisk them, has been criticized by minority and civil rights groups that complain that blacks and Hispanics are unfairly singled out. Last year the department made more than 600,000 of the warrantless stops, and it is on pace to exceed that number this year. While the police say there is a valid reason for the stops, including suspicious behavior, opponents of the practice note that very few stops result in arrests.

If I’m not mistaken, that reads like a violation of a persons constitutional rights. It’s shameful and racist. Why not try that in the Upper East Side in a search for pot in the pockets of pedestrians. New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg would get an earful, and he would stop the practice.

Don’t tell me that someone on the Upper East Side isn’t packing weed in a purse!

Cornell West is right. Mayor Bloomberg, who defends the policy, is wrong.

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