Why Are You A Democrat? Democrats Give Their Reasons

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I created this video “way back” in 2007 and during a Democratic fund raiser at the Sheraton Palace in San Francisco, where the guest of honor was then-DNC Chairman Howard Dean. The question is a simple one: why are you a Democrat.

But as simple as the question may be, it’s an important one today. And perhaps even more so that in 2007. The Occupy Wall Street movement has caused everyone to think about how they feel about the way the World is turning.

And define terms. I know why I’m a Democrat.

Moreover, it’s revealed some opinions that just make this blogger cringe. Take GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain blasting unemployed Americans and Republicans cheering him on during the most recent CNN Presidential Debate:

If you want a reason to be a Democrat, compare and contrast that video with my video and the reasons the people I interviewed gave for being a Dem. And that was in 2007.

And think about the message of fairness and equality of opportunity expressed in my video, and think about the awful, insensitive rantings of the man I call “Big Daddy Cain.”

I know why I’m a Democrat.

How about you?

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