Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney Get Zennie Abraham Talk

Three top GOP Presidential Candidates received a piece of this blogger’s mind. First, Herman Cain got a new nickname: “Big Daddy Cain” in honor of the famous 80s rapper called Big Daddy Kane, and known for such hits as “I Get The Job Done.”

Herman Cain, who presented a new twist to his 9-9-9 plan on Friday, making it “9-0-9” for the poor, was also hammered for saying something that he should apologize for: that President Obama wasn’t “a real black man” leading this space to observe that Cain has been a mean old black man.

When Cain can stop referring to President Obama in terms that show racial self-hatred, it will be a major sign that he has matured both as a person and a presidential candidate.

President Obama is also the problem of Michele Bachmann, who seems to think that she’s got to try and position herself as against the President on so many things it’s become a running joke and a source of friction between herself and her now-former Campaign Manager Ed Rollins. It was Rollins who told Bachmann to drop the “I’m not Obama” schtick, and it was Bachmann who failed to listen to him. Now, they’re both tossing insults at each other on television, which only hurts one person: Bachmann.

Finally, Mitt Romney has one plus in that he’s the first politician to embrace Tout.com, but other than that, it’s hard to get excited about a man who just looks like hes not having fun. There’s nothing in Mitt’s background to suggest that he has that certain something which makes you say “He should be President!”

Can’t see it.

But one thing you can see is the video’s my first experiment with green screen special effects, and I learned from it to know what I’m going to do, and what mistakes I’m not going to make, the next time around.

Stay tuned.

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