The Avengers Movie Trailer Is Out!

The Avengers Movie Trailer is finally out – and was released just one hour ago! In it, we learn that Tony Stark is a huge fan of the way Bruce Banner “loses control and turns into a huge rage monster.” But we also get a feel for the kind of movie Director Joss Whedon’s putting together. Considering the trailer’s music, it could The Avengers could be called “hard rock.”

Here it is, on Marvel’s YouTube Channel:

The obvious highlight is how much screen time Robert Downey, Jr. gets as both Iron Man and Tony Stark. Also notable are the arguments between Stark and Chris Evans’ Captain America / Steve Rogers (Rogers: “Take that suit off, and what are you?” Stark: “a genius, playboy billionaire.”)

Within The Avengers trailer, it’s clear that Whedon’s worked to capture the flavor of legendary Marvel Comics series, and done a good job thus far. But, for some reason, we only get a brief look at The Hulk, and that may be an indication that there’s sill a lot of special effects work yet to be done.

Here’s what I’m doing to get ready for The Avengers release, May 4th, 2012:

Stay tuned.

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